Website SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization. To make it simple, you are trying to make sure that your webpage is relevant to the terms that people are searching for on the internet.
For example, if someone types dent repair into Google or Bing or other search engine, they do not expect to see a webpage about Shoes. This sounds really simple and even silly, but many sites completely miss the mark, usually by not understanding how to properly utilize tools such as Meta Tags, Title Tags, Descriptions, Alternate Text Fields, Keyword Phrases and so on.
All World Hail Network websites include Basic SEO, but depending on your website goals, you may be interested in driving more traffic to your site. We offer more advanced options below to help you accomplish this task.
Website SEO Optimization
There are many ways to optimize a webpage. These are broken up into two categories, On-Page optimization and Off-Page Optimization. On-Page refers to things happening right on the page like including the keyword phrase in the title, content, headline and image descriptions. Off-page refers to things done elsewhere. Such as back-links (a link from another website to your page). These need to be relevant and from high-ranking sites.
We only offer our Website SEO Services to clients who take advantage of our website design and hosting packages. This is not to force you to buy more, this is simply because we have become experts with our platforms and cannot afford the time to become as efficient with the thousands of different languages, platforms and code that others may be using. You can always ask us and if we can help you with your website SEO, we will.
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