Dent Companies In Dispute
If you have been wronged personally by a dent company, please let us know.
We want it to be very clear, that the World Hail Network and its board members are not in any way choosing sides or agreeing with what is posted on this page.
The World Hail Network is simply supplying a much-needed place for customers, technicians, or companies to voice their problems and concerns. The broker, body shop, dealer or other company in dispute (accused) will then be able to voice their side (the rebuttal). Both sides can present their stories and any proof to back it up. For instance, the tech could put a picture of a bounced check or an unpaid invoice for all to see. Then the broker or shop or whoever would have to prove payment to get it removed. This page will not fix all of the bad situations out there, but hopefully will help resolve some of them.
There are some legitimate reasons why technicians may not receive payment including but not limited to not meeting quality standards, drilling holes, damage to the vehicle or work space, improper paperwork and vehicle tracking. If this is the case, the broker will be able to explain the situation.
Again, this area is simply a place for both sides to post their side of the problem. Most problems have three sides, the tech’s, the broker’s and what actually happened; which is usually somewhere in the middle. The World Hail Network and its board will not step in, mediate or chose sides in any way unless discussed offline. We will however help both sides in any way that we can.
The goal here is to get to the truth. We would like to “out” the crooks or hacks, whatever the case may be in order to protect the honest and reputable. Consider this the line in the sand that neither party should want to cross.
If you would like to post anonymously, simply call or email us and explain the situation and we will post on your behalf. We will never disclose your name.
The World Hail Network owns this page and retains the right to remove posts for any reason at any time.
List of Accused:
Anthony Natale – Accused by Jimmy Hagen
Ashley Bishop – Accused by Anonymous
Danny Milner – Accused by Kim B Toth
Dent Concepts – Accused by Anonymous
Gregg Caps (Hail Masters, Dent Force) – Accused by Jason Cheney & John Highley
James Hyde – Accused by Dave Streen
John Highley – Accused by Jason Cheney
Melisa Milner – Accused by Kim B Toth
Tatro Brothers – Accused by Michael Milan
Tom Tyree (Owner of Anything But Paint. Based out of Flint, MI area and Atlanta, GA) – Accused by Rick Spoor
If you would like to add someone to the list, just leave it in the comment below or email us.
If your name or company name is accused, the World Hail Network will offer mediation to help resolve the dispute.
This list is simply a list of people accused, the World Hail Network is in no way confirming or denying any accusations.
James Hyde bounced a check in the amount of $6737.50 back on July 14, 2005 for services rendered at Anderson BMW in Crystal Lake, Il. I have the bounced check, invoices and pictures of the vehicles repaired to back this accusation up.